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Meet A San Diego Man Who Is An Unfaithful Spousein California
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bi-curious single man
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Sensual,open-minded lover of the erotic surprises that orgasm creates.
San Diego, California
I love to live life outloud, and with respect for others and myself. Those activities that involve the senses, the emotions, (Films, Photography, Eroticism, Sailing, Sexuality, Adventure etc.....) intrigue me the most. I'm intelligent, with a warm heart and have a great, if not wry, sense of humor. Love to explore the mountains and the sea and share those activities that go along with...... {sailboats, diving, motion pictures, camping, horses, skiing etc.} I am quite creative and open minded sexually as well as in my other professional endeavors. I am not shy or closed to any sane close sensual play with both sexes. There is no drama and there are no negative surprises with me. I would welcome your long lasting friendship. I have a loving and long tongue and adapt instantly to an others sensual joy and find great pleasure in using my cock, lips and hands to share pleasures with selected partners. Yours in respect, Captain Jack