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Enjoy Online Hookups With Glasgow Guysin Kentucky
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gay single man
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Just lookin for the right man
Glasgow, Kentucky
`m a nice, sweet gay guy with a lot on my mind. Little too much if you ask me but hey thats wut you get. I`m always there for my friends. For me a good relationship with friends is an ideal thing because someday you might need them to be there for you. My hobbies are... Mall, movies, track, hanging with friends, books, cpu`s, music, foreign language. Im really busy sometimes and im just plain worn out on others. I dont like bullshit. If your gonna ply me you better hope you tell me or I dont find out because it will be hell to pay when I do. And believe me I will find out. Bullshit and me dont go together. Im not one to play games. If and when Im in a relationship I wont play games and I expect that the other wont play games either. It will only make me mad and Im not a happy camper when Im mad.