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Dreamer wants to Make Your Dreams Come True
Seattle, Washington
Hey there! I'm 20 years old, 5'11, and have got a little more to love than the average guy. I guess you could call me a bit of a geek, and you would be right, but I'm no stranger to going out and having fun, either. People tell me Im a good listener, and I'm pretty good at getting people to laugh. I think some of the most important traits for anyone to have is are an active sense of imagination and a good sense of humor. In any case, I'm a big fan of interesting conversation. Right now I'm going to college at the University of Washington, and studying for Technical Communications. I always like reading good books or going to see a new interesting movies and enjoying the stories they tell. One of my personal favorites is Don Quixote - either the book or the musical - I just love the idea of a hopeless romantic who gets into trouble for seeing things differently, probably because I can relate. ;) I also love music, and my tastes can be pretty varied - jazz/blues to alternative rock to some hip hop. Photography is a hobby of mine as well - not just digital, but I like working with the old 35mm camera and getting the whole dark room experience, too. If you're up to it, I'd certainly be open to photographing you, too.