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bi-curious single woman
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I'm on a mission to fulfill my curiosity with lots of adventure
Burbank, California
I would describe myself as friendly, outgoing, positive most of the time (I have my moments too!), honest, funny, very active and maybe a little career driven at times. I don't watch much t.v. but I am always listening to music. I absolutely cannot live without country music and dancing to it. I can be in a so-so mood, get into my car, turn on country music, and within moments I'm in a better mood and singing away. I'm trying my best to stay away from drama, although, I have pulled it into my life on occasion. I have learned that we are all responsible for our own conditions in life, if you don't like where you are in life, you are the only one that can change it. Personally, I'm having lots of fun looking for the things that make me feel good, keeping in mind good morals and ethics (my own...not someone else's idea of what they should be), loving every chance I get, making new friends and meeting new adventures all the time. Oh, yuk...that even sounds too positive for me!!! Oh well!!