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ISO Anyone Someone New Friend New B/F To Explore
New Westminster, British Columbia
I'm just your average down to earth kinda guy I feel, all my life I seemed to let people walk on me because I was afraid to speak out for some reason but not that I am retired and have no one to answer to, I do as I please, go where I want when I want, dress the way I like, usually in shorts and colourful T-Shirts, never dressed up, sick and tired of all the stupid rules we seem to come up with to rule our lives by, I do go out of my way to help others, I don't like the new attitude of me, me, me and the heck with anyone else, the lack of respect for anyone but themselves, what makes them anymore important than the rest of us, why should they be in front of me, in line, in traffic, or anywhere unless they were in the first place, I don't put on any airs about myself and don't want anyone else to, I'd like to meet someone that is just themselves for who they want to be, we all have likes and dislikes in the person we'd love to be with or expectations, I like younger guys, so I say, but all that goes out the window when you meet someone, I leave it open and don't close any doors, I will only know who the right person is after I have seen and spent some time with that person, even then you only get to know someone once you live with them, a relationship takes a lot of work, work that most don't want to do, but I always try to be open, honest, and try everything I can to work things out, before giving up on the situation, I want someone to share everything with, well not everything as it is important to have some friends or outside interests so one doesn't get bored with each other, someone to cuddle with, watch vids, go for a car ride for the day, stay at a B&B, short day trips often, enjoy a coffee or drink at some new cafe or pub, explore new things, do things I've never tried, throw caution to the wind and just get in the car and drive to no where in particular for no particular amount of time, just do it, whatever you and your date decide together is important