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San Rafael, California
...interspersed with quiet periods of laid back; just enough to keep you guessing what's next. I will respect your personal boundaries, and expect the same from you. Very strict in the bedroom, and incredibly imaginative: have restraints and I'm not afraid to use them. Caring, and a veritable "safety officer" where your well-being is concerned. Can go all night, and have never even seen Viagra. Ultimately, however, it is shared passions outside of the sexual realm that keep the magic of a relationship vibrant and alive. I am traveled, eclectic, vigilant, patient, easily bored but almost never bored. Love rock climbing, rowing, martial arts, night bicycle rides, reading, and sailing. Eclectic music mixes literally rock my boat, from Brahms to Madonna. Motorcycle rides in the country when it's warm, not for any logical reason: it's about the experience: the smells of the flora, the temperature changes dropping into valleys. Thrill to sky-dancing as per Project Bandaloop, and club dancing, too.