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Holy cow, what the hell? Face my squirelly wrath! Just kidding. You folks need to lighten up, damn.
Alexandria, Virginia
Describe myself..... there's something I don't do everyday. Well, I open say whatever pisses me off. Can you actually believe that sex is used as a form of entertainment and recreatiion instead of the very special connection that is reserved for..... wait a minute... I'm speaking to the absolute worst crowd and making an ass out of myslef. It's like telling a bunch of beef producers that protein sucks and that salads are better. I also love the idea that I am writing an totally fake personal ad. If it was real, I would be saying like, "I want to hump your pussy for at least ten minutes..." wait, that sounds bad. Better would be, " I want to hump your pussy all night long." See? That sounds better. It gives the obvious smokescreen impression that I have increased vitality and that I practice my Kelgels like my naught man self. But I don't practice Kelgels, I'm a somewhat nice guy (so I've been told), and what the f**k I am doing typing in a supposed sexual personal adverisment at 347 in the morning?