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Alaskan strong, with a body to match and a heart of gold
Juneau, Alaska
Living life, having fun, working for the government...wait that last one doesn't quite work. Well, it's true. Hi! My name is Gabriel, it is a pleasure to meet you. I try to work out reguraly, lifting weights and such...I'd love to go rock climbing again but I need a partner, you can only boulder for so long before you get bored. Gonna keep up with my college studies, going back in the fall. Anyone who goes to the University here might know me in some form or another, either from going there in a bright green three-piece suit, or from the dances. I'm the guy with glasses in the dance battles (for when Lou dj's) not really known for my ballroom dancing, but I helped Shane design "Shane's Madness", think of a latin line dance. It's kinda sad to say but I've only had sex once. Was too busy when I was younger hauling stuff around, running around in the glacier water, and just basically having an all around fun time. Good news is that because of all that I got a very tight body, and oddly enough I have an ass! Meet me in person if you don't believe me. That's a little about me, hope you enjoyed that.