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straight single man
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Lonely and alone...
Worcester, Massachusetts
Honestly I have no idea how I should go about describing myself. I'm a collection of wildly varying, and often seemingly mutually exclusive ideals. I'm certainly a large part geek. Throughout my college career I've been an Electrical Engineer, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics major. I work as a computer programmer for a Bone Marrow registry, and I'm pretty inseparably married to anything technological. On the other side of the coin, I have a creative side which is just as strong as my geeky side. Every fiber of my being is saturated with my love for music. I can't go 24 hours without refreshing my soul with music. I'm nearly equally as fond of literature. I read voraciously (or at least try to), and alomst obsessivly collect books. I'm completely open about myself, and will talk about anything and everything from my life no matter how awkward or painful the memories it dredges up. At the same time, I'm painfully shy, and while I'm willing to talk about anything, I generally won't volunteer information unless reasonably directly asked about it. I'm a Satanist and a Busshist at the same time. I find the most beauty in those things which are generally considered dark and depressing. I find the most interesting things and people are those which most people shun as weird or bizzare. I can manage to be utterly alone in a crowded bar full of people I know. I'm melancholy most of the time, yet am always able to see the humor inherant in even the most dire situations. I'm sensual and sexual, but tend to find cuddling on the couch in front of a movie with someone with whom I feel a strong connection to be far more arousing than sex with an essential stranger. I don't know what else I can say. If this hasn't given at least some small insight into my character, then I don't think anything will...