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Meet A Englewood Man Who Is An Unfaithful Spousein Colorado
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straight single man
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Englewood, Colorado
I'm a really nice guy and large where it counts. I was raised in Missouri and maintain the mid-western work ethic and moral values. I am certain that I am a "stand-up" kind of guy (would this be considered "boasting"?...). I like to have fun, laugh, get silly/goofy, and make others laugh. It has always been easy for me to make new friends and people tend to gravitate toward me because of this gregarious and extroverted nature. I enjoy college and NFL football (a Chiefs fan forever), movies, foreign cars, golf, music of all kinds (Orchestras, Ted Nugent, Marching Bands, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Bach, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, etc.), traveling, and expanding my horizons by doing new things. Thanks to good genes, I've been told that I look younger than my years (by a month or two...lol). I have my own hair, teeth. I have a high IQ (belong to Mensa), but not an intellectual snob (don't you just hate it when people are like that?). I received a BA degree in English Literature and somehow ended up in the technology industry. Thankfully, I never fell into the "abyss of the nerds". If I had it to do all over again, I'd probably join the "Blue Man Group"...Ha! I do volunteer work during the summer with male (man Scouts of America, aged 11-20) as a swimming and lifesaving instructor. Aside from the fact that it keeps me young in spirit, "in touch" with what is going on, and is fun, I think that work of this nature with is tremendously important. Now, having said that, drop me a line so that we can have fun and act foolish while we're still young! What am I looking for? Want to meet a sexy gal that is honest, loyalt, exceptional integrity, and worthy of trust. She should understand that even "perfect" matches disagree from time to time and that it's OK to have differences of opinion. Also, it is not necessary to have the exact the same interests. A sense of humor is a must with a laugh that comes easily. She should be a lady, but not "prissy".