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Meet Santa Monica Guys For Adult Datingin California
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***The following profile has been rated 'R' by the Profile Ratings Commission and the FCC.***
Santa Monica, California
I might need more than 2000 characters to describe this character. I don't believe that I can string a few, well-polished sentences together and create a virtual text version of myself which shall represent the real me to the profile-saavy segment of the female population that I am hoping to reach. I am not a sound-bite. I am a complex human being, just like you. I desire communication with other people and physical contact. I enjoy exercising my ability to imagine and fantasize. I'm not particularly crazy about long walks on the beach but I also have nothing against them. I prefer cats to dogs if those are my options but truth be told, plants win over both although my ex left behind a very photogenic feline that has crept his way into my heart via my camera. I don't see the point in being mean to other people (role-playing excluded, of course) and I will hold the door open for whomever is next. I am here to find a playmate(s) and if you are still reading this, you might get me enough to get me (in which case you probably won't get enough). And yes, I do realize that by the end of this sentence I will have a surplus of characters lingering about in a virtual limbo waiting for their chance to represent a human being but I'm starting to feel like I'm talking to myself.