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Find Love With Hot Houston Menin Texas
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straight single man
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yer blues
Houston, Texas
People describe me as adventurous, open-minded, sensitive, easy going, and having a good sense of humor. I'm 62 white, and I'm often told that I'm attractive and look good for my age. Im very physically fit and weight about 190 lbs. I work out regularly and appreciate people who do the same. My interest are both wide and eclectic. They span from working out, theatre, performing arts, fine arts, music, history, politics, cooking, travel, etc. I have a passion for playing guitar and playing The Blues. I do this for fun on the side and I'm very active with this community of music. Im a very well educated professional with a PhD in Chemical Engineeing. I work for an oil company and I'm involved with technology development and applications. I have done some university part time teaching in the past. I place a high priority on work life balance and try to be as active as possible. I'm originally from Montreal and have been living in Houston since 1990. If I sound intersting to you please get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you.