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Banning, California
BOOOOOM!!! A mighty explosion rocks the world. A great cloud of smoke engulfs the planet. Darkness throughout the land. What's that? A glimmer of light, a twinkle of hope? The smoke clears and before your eyes is ... Me. My name is Joe, I can be sarcastic and cynical at times, but I'm usually pretty entertaining. I stand at 5 feet 8 or so inches weigh about 175. You know all the stuff that's in my profile. So maybe something that's not...let me think...I'm looking to have some fun. I can say that I'm not looking to get married (again), but I never count love out (love is feisty little emotion). I am usually sweet and nice, almost to a fault, and love to flatter my significant other with romance. It's fun, creating the situation so that it's just right. And now to my match: The night sky was dark, desolate, free of stars, as Joe sat and pondered upon it all. Something winked over his left shoulder, and in a brilliant flash a star released itself into the darkness, followed by countless others. Joe had seen the 1st star and had his eyes locked waiting...waiting... waiting...for...