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Im tired tonight,but but thunder dick isnt
Clemson, South Carolina
No thats not all I think about,but for some reaon when Im tired that when I do,besidede then I not what you would call the the typical male,I mean I love woman I like cars travel every type of communication and sex is the best,but I really like having a mate to treat as an equal to show how much of a friend,I need that in my life,I am a fun person it seems that alot of woman go for possesive guys,well I im not like that unless the person I am prefers that,I havent had one girlfriend who told me once here comes lets say Tony they told me to act possesive, I did and it felt good because the guy was an jerk,Im not stuck up,just stateing a fact,but in realty I m am not a pushover by any means but I like a girl who is kind of in charge,but I still like my trucks,and travel,mabye thats why Im single.This time around I want some one that mabye likes the same things,but what she likes is important.