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Find Love With Hot Coronado Menin California
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A hopless romantice, looking for the right persone to cherrish in what ever way she so desires.
Coronado, California
I am a persone who belives that with love and and anything involving that anything is possible. The perfect relationship could be just around the corner, or it might be a little harder to find. I have a moderate to larger frame, 173 lbs , 5' 10" brown hair brown eyes and 23years old. I am mostly of native american decent. I am in the navy, and I also mannage a tattoo shope that I co own on the side, I find tattooing to be a great form of expression as well as a great release. I have a associets degree that I plane on some day turning into a bachelors degree. My physical activities consist of everything from bungee jumping to, snow bording, dirt bike riding, and anything els that can be fun or exciting that includes surfing, I have a very big sense of humor I love to make people laugh. I like to keep myself in really good shape because I am always active I work out every single day if I can help it. I am looking to have a great time with a great person whos wright for me.