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Have An Adult Hookup With Aurora Menin Illinois
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Warning! Long, detailed and rambling profile ahead!
Aurora, Illinois
Hello there. First of all, thanks for stopping by to check out my profile. I will do my best to make it worth your while. I'm 33 years old and just getting out of a 10 year relationship, so you could say that I am way out of practice with this whole dating thing. I am an IT professional and really like the job I have and the company I am with. My career is very important to me, but I also realize that life is about much more than work, its about the people you know and the memories you make. I guess that my philosophy is to plan for tomorrow, but live for today. Intelligent, practical and sarcastic would be three words I would use to describe myself. I enjoy an eclectic mix of activities including reading, golf, football and (gasp) shopping! I am also a big fan of reality TV (double gasp)! I don't think that I would ever want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but I am definitely open to trying new things. Im very excited about this new phase of my life and cant wait to see where this goes. I guess Ill wrap this up with a little bit about what Im looking for. My number one goal is to meet some new people and have a great time. I feel that going into this with a bunch of expectations only limits my possibilities. From my experience, some the greatest things in my life have come from just going with the flow and seeing where it takes me. I dont know exactly what Im looking for, but Im going to have a great time figuring it out. If youre still reading this, thats probably a good sign. Its hard to sum yourself up in a few paragraphs, so let me know if you have any questions. If you think that I might have what youre looking for, why not send me a message and see what happens? Just like they say for the lottery, you cant win if you dont play.