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Have The Hot Carson City Fling You've Been Looking Forin Nevada
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straight single man
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Companionable Silent Fulfillment
Carson City, Nevada
How many profiles have you received from applicants who ranked their relationship ability somewhere between Tom Hopkins and Anthony Robbins? I'm not going to insult your intelligence by pretending to be someone I'm not. However, I will empathize with you for having to wade through piles of profiles to find even one viable candidate for your search. (Actually, my hands on experience is much more up to date than either Tom or Tony's). My career began working side by side with one of the most powerful men in America Charlie Brown. No joke. Mr. Brown at that time was the President and CEO of AT&T. My years at AT&T ignited a passion for management and marketing excellence that exists to this day. I have worked in world markets and I have relocated many times to further my career. I am looking for new challenges and opportunities. I'm a leader, a coach that understands the dynamics of teamwork, and a business professional. When you chat with me, you chat with someone with vision, commitment, drive and a desire for mutual adoration. The attached profile outlines me, but as you can imagine, it doesn't begin to reflect my unique people skills, and "can do" attitude. Judge for yourself...let's spend a few minutes together.