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Have An Intimate Encounter With A Guy In Bostonin Massachusetts
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straight single man
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wild side!!
Boston, Massachusetts
I've known him for years and consider him to be my best male friend. He's an amazing friend whom I adore because of how non-judgemental and accepting he is and how he always makes it a point to be there when I need to talk.(If you're wondering why he and I aren't together it's because I married my own, he is the most wonderful of men because what you see is what you get. There are no games, pretexts or guessing with him. He's witty, clever, warm, humorous, wry, giving and nurturing. He loves adventures and is incredibly spontaneous. If there's something you love and he finds out about it he will find a way to surprise you with it. He's an undying romantic who is just as happy watching a great dvd, baseball or football game as he is hanging out on a beach in the Caribbean. He's an incredibly generous man with a great soul and great looks. If you're looking for the same old same old, there are plenty of guys here that fit the bill .BUT if you are looking for the "real deal" he's right here